HP was kind enough to host the lastest WorldVistA meeting in Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. The meeting went from
February 27th through March 2nd, 2003. Enjoy some snapshots taken during the meeting. (Click on each pic for its
full view.)
VistA Birthday Bash
On February 18th, 2003, VistA turned 21. On March 1st, WorldVistA held a birthday party.
Click here for the pics!
Interested in the VistA's history?
Click here for the history of VistA.
(Click on any of the pics for a full-sized view.)
Rick Marshall gets the meeting started.
Meeting start, 2nd view.
Meeting start, 3rd view.
Meeting start, 4th view. |
Dr. Robert Kolodner, acting CIO of the Veterans Health Administration of the VA...
talking about the VA's HealthePeople initiative.
Ad hoc discussions.
Solving problems together.
Joseph Dal Molin gives a presentation.
